Typically used in offices, public buildings, commercial kitchens, factories, retail stores and schools, Centrifugal In-Line Acoustic Box Fans work within duct systems to move air quietly from one place to another. Their versatile construction allows them to connect to several ducts going in different directions, extracting heat, humidity and odours from working environments.
Acoustic Box fans are usually housed in a cube frame with configurable side panels to allow the inlet and outlet to be run either in-line or at 90° angles, adapting to suit the structure of the building. The centrifugal impellers generate higher pressures than similar sized axial fans making them ideal where space is restricted. Added sound attenuation makes them run quietly – essential for many indoor applications.
Industrial Box Fan benefits:
Standard box fan sizes are usually cubes measuring 500mm, 670mm, 800mm or 1020mm enabling you to simply replace the fan in an existing system without changing the ducting. Within the fan housing there are up to eight fan sizes to choose from – from 315mm to 630mm - depending on the required performance. There are also slimline versions available where space is particularly cramped.
Commercial box fans can be installed on internal and external walls, in loft spaces and on roof tops.
To ensure the versatility of our inline box fans, there is a wide range of accessories. Along with assorted duct clamps, guards, cowls, dampers and connectors, you can also add:
Some of our box fans are designed to work with temperatures of up to 110°C but most are for the ‘ambient’ temperatures you’d find above ovens and hobs. For emergency smoke extraction in the event of a fire, you would need a different system installed.
If you like to talk to one of our friendly team about your next project please get in touch.